On 4th March 2020, the transfer of the business and assets of the Tepnel Pharma Services brand of Hologic Ltd., to Tepnel Pharma Services Limited (Livingston, Scotland) was completed, creating a privately owned Quality Control (QC) laboratory.
We are confident that the business has huge potential for growth and we are very much looking positively towards this next stage in the evolution of the organisation into employee ownership, bringing value for our customers, patients and stakeholders.
Tepnel Pharma Services Limited will continue to represent the service offerings as before, and will seek to diversify and grow as we expect our independence will bring greater opportunities to work closer together and we will continue to strive to provide the highest standards of quality and service you expect. Tepnel is committed to serving the business needs of all of our customers.
This has been our highest priority for over 30 years, and will continue to be so as we move forward. We understand you may have questions about how the transfer may affect your business. Please continue to work with your normal contacts. All existing commercial obligations, terms and conditions will be honoured by Tepnel Pharma Services Limited. The transition process is expected to take three months, and we will keep you updated as the transition progresses and will inform you promptly of any additional changes that may affect you
Please note and inform your colleagues of the following changes, which are in the process of being made:
Company Name –
Tepnel Pharma Services Limited is the new legal entity for the Tepnel Pharmaceutical Services brand, replacing the Hologic Ltd., name. Accordingly, correspondence should be addressed to Tepnel Pharma Services Limited using the existing address details. You will begin to notice this name change on company correspondence, certificates of analysis, etc.
Forms of Contact –
Your person-to-person contacts will be the same in your normal course of business. In the coming weeks, email addresses will be changed to firstname.lastname@tepnel.co.uk, and existing addresses will continue to work and all emails will be forwarded to the appropriate contact. The current Tepnel website will now be branded Tepnel Pharma Services Limited, and you may continue to access information on products and services as you have in the past. Any new enquiries for services should now be addressed to sales@tepnel.co.uk.
Business Operations –
We expect day-to-day business operations with customers worldwide will continue in a “business as usual” manner. We do not anticipate changes in our normal operations. Again, please continue to work with your current contacts. Our main priorities are that of providing the highest quality of service, with complete customer satisfaction. We will continue to operate as such. For more information, please visit www.tepnelpharmaservices.com, or call your normal contact. In the meantime, thank you in anticipation of your continued support.

David Scott
Chief Executive Officer, Tepnel Pharma Services Limited